
Travel to Skardu from Islamabad


Imagine embarking on a journey that takes you from the bustling city of Islamabad to the serene and picturesque Skardu. This trip promises not just a change in scenery, but an adventure filled with natural beauty, cultural richness, and unforgettable experiences. Skardu, nestled in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan, is a dream destination for many travelers. Its breathtaking landscapes, towering mountains, and tranquil lakes make it a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

Why Travel to Skardu?

Natural Beauty

Skardu is synonymous with natural splendor. From the snow-capped peaks of the Karakoram Range to the crystal-clear waters of its lakes, every corner of Skardu offers a view that could easily be a postcard.

Adventure Opportunities

If you’re an adventure enthusiast, Skardu won’t disappoint. It offers a plethora of activities such as trekking, hiking, rock climbing, and boating. Whether you’re looking to scale a peak or simply enjoy a peaceful boat ride, Skardu has something for everyone.

Cultural Experiences

Skardu isn’t just about natural beauty; it’s also rich in culture. The local Balti culture, with its unique traditions, festivals, and cuisine, adds a vibrant touch to the travel experience. Exploring Skardu means immersing yourself in a lifestyle that’s both ancient and fascinating.

Best Time to Visit Skardu

Seasonal Overview

The best time to visit Skardu is from April to October. During these months, the weather is pleasant, and most of the attractions are accessible. The spring and autumn months are particularly beautiful, with flowers blooming in spring and the leaves changing colors in autumn.

Peak Tourist Season

The peak tourist season is from June to September. During this time, the weather is ideal for outdoor activities, and all the tourist facilities are fully operational. However, if you prefer a quieter experience, consider visiting in the shoulder seasons.

How to Get to Skardu from Islamabad

By Air

Airlines and Flight Duration

The quickest way to get to Skardu from Islamabad is by air. Several airlines operate flights from Islamabad to Skardu, with a flight duration of approximately 1 hour. PIA (Pakistan International Airlines) is the primary carrier for this route.

Flight Experience

Flying to Skardu is an experience in itself. As you approach Skardu, the aerial view of the Karakoram Range is nothing short of spectacular. Make sure to book a window seat to capture this mesmerizing sight.

By Road

Routes and Road Conditions

For those who love road trips, traveling to Skardu by road is a fantastic option. The journey takes about 18-20 hours, depending on the road conditions. The most common route is via the Karakoram Highway (KKH) and Skardu Road.

Scenic Stops Along the Way

The road trip from Islamabad to Skardu is filled with scenic stops. Some notable spots include Besham, Chilas, and the view of Nanga Parbat from the Karakoram Highway. Each stop offers a unique glimpse into the diverse landscapes of northern Pakistan.

Preparing for the Journey

Essential Items to Pack

When traveling to Skardu, it’s essential to pack appropriately. Warm clothing, even in summer, is a must due to the high altitude. Don’t forget your trekking gear if you plan to hike, and a good camera to capture the stunning scenery.

Health and Safety Tips

Altitude sickness can be a concern when traveling to Skardu. It’s advisable to acclimatize properly and stay hydrated. Additionally, always carry a first aid kit and any necessary medications.

Accommodation in Skardu


Skardu offers a range of hotels to suit different budgets. From luxurious stays like the Shangrila Resort to more budget-friendly options, you’ll find accommodation that meets your needs.


Guesthouses are a popular choice for travelers seeking a more homely environment. They offer a cozy stay with the added benefit of getting to know the local way of life.

Camping Options

For the adventurous souls, camping in Skardu is an unforgettable experience. Many campsites are available, especially near popular trekking trails and lakes.

Must-Visit Attractions in Skardu

Deosai National Park

Known as the “Land of Giants,” Deosai National Park is a must-visit. Its vast plains, rich wildlife, and stunning views make it a perfect spot for nature lovers.

Shangrila Resort

Often referred to as “Heaven on Earth,” Shangrila Resort offers a serene environment with beautiful surroundings. The resort is situated by a picturesque lake, making it an ideal place for relaxation.

Skardu Fort

Skardu Fort, also known as Kharpocho Fort, offers a glimpse into the region’s history. The fort provides panoramic views of the Skardu Valley and the Indus River.

Adventure Activities

Trekking and Hiking

Skardu is a trekker’s paradise. Some popular trekking routes include the K2 Base Camp, Baltoro Glacier, and the Deosai Plains.

Rock Climbing

For rock climbing enthusiasts, Skardu offers numerous challenges. The mountains around Skardu are ideal for both beginners and experienced climbers.

Boating on Satpara Lake

Satpara Lake, with its clear blue waters, is perfect for boating. Renting a boat and exploring the lake is a peaceful and enjoyable experience.

Cultural Experiences

Local Festivals

Participating in local festivals is a great way to immerse yourself in the Balti culture. Festivals such as the Polo Festival and the Shigar Festival are vibrant and full of local traditions.

Traditional Cuisine

Don’t miss out on the local cuisine. Dishes like Balti curry and apricot soup offer a taste of the region’s culinary heritage.

Handicrafts and Souvenirs

Skardu is known for its handicrafts. Buying local souvenirs like pashmina shawls, wooden carvings, and traditional jewelry supports the local economy and provides a keepsake from your journey.

Exploring Surrounding Areas

Khaplu Valley

Khaplu Valley, known for its beauty and historical sites, is a short drive from Skardu. The Khaplu Palace and Chaqchan Mosque are must-visit attractions.

Shigar Valley

Shigar Valley, with its lush greenery and the famous Shigar Fort, is another beautiful area to explore. The fort, now a museum and hotel, offers insights into the region’s history.

Hushe Valley

Hushe Valley is a gateway to several high-altitude treks. It’s a perfect place for those looking to explore the less-traveled paths of the Karakoram Range.

Travel Tips for Skardu

Local Customs and Etiquette

Respecting local customs is crucial. Dress modestly, especially in rural areas, and always ask for permission before taking photos of people.

Money and Communication

ATMs are scarce in Skardu, so carrying enough cash is advisable. Mobile networks are available, but connectivity can be spotty in remote areas.

Navigating the Area

Hiring a local guide can enhance your travel experience. They offer valuable insights and can help you navigate the area more effectively.

Eco-Friendly Travel Practices

Sustainable Tourism

Practicing sustainable tourism helps preserve the natural beauty of Skardu. Avoid littering and try to minimize your environmental footprint.

Leave No Trace Principles

Follow the Leave No Trace principles: pack out all your trash, stay on marked trails, and respect wildlife.

Photography Tips

Best Spots for Photography

Skardu is a photographer’s dream. Some of the best spots include the Deosai Plains, Shangrila Resort, and the view from Skardu Fort.

Capturing the Essence of Skardu

To truly capture Skardu’s essence, focus on both its landscapes and its people. The combination of natural beauty and cultural richness makes for compelling photographs.

Personal Stories and Experiences

Traveler Testimonials

Hearing from fellow travelers can be inspiring. Many have shared stories of breathtaking hikes, encounters with local wildlife, and the warmth of the Balti people.

Unique Encounters

Every trip to Skardu has its unique moments. Whether it’s a surprise snowfall in summer or an impromptu local celebration, these encounters make the journey special.


Traveling from Islamabad to Skardu is more than just a trip; it’s an adventure of a lifetime. From its awe-inspiring landscapes to its rich cultural experiences, Skardu offers something for every traveler. Whether you’re seeking adventure, tranquility, or a cultural immersion, Skardu promises an unforgettable journey.


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