
Rema – Calm Down (Official Music Video)


Rema, the Nigerian sensation, has taken the music world by storm with his infectious beats and unique sound. One of his standout tracks, “Calm Down,” has not only captivated fans but also established itself as a significant milestone in his career. This article delves into the many facets of the “Calm Down” official music video, exploring its themes, visual storytelling, and the impact it has had on audiences worldwide.


Who is Rema?

Background and Early Life

Divine Ikubor, popularly known as Rema, was born on May 1, 2000, in Benin City, Nigeria. His journey into music began at a young age, influenced by the rich musical culture around him. He honed his skills in local churches and school events, gradually building a reputation for his talent.

Rise to Fame

Rema’s big break came in 2019 when he signed with Jonzing World, a subsidiary of Mavin Records. His debut EP, “Rema,” featuring hits like “Dumebi” and “Iron Man,” catapulted him into the limelight, earning him recognition both locally and internationally.

Overview of “Calm Down”

Release Date and Initial Reception

“Calm Down” was released on February 11, 2022, and quickly garnered attention for its catchy rhythm and relatable lyrics. Fans and critics alike praised the track for its blend of Afrobeat and pop influences, solidifying Rema’s status as a versatile artist.

Chart Performance

The song achieved impressive chart success, featuring prominently on various streaming platforms. It topped several music charts in Nigeria and made significant inroads into international markets, further showcasing Rema’s global appeal.

The Concept Behind the Song

Inspiration and Themes

“Calm Down” is a reflection on the whirlwind of emotions that come with love and relationships. Rema channels his personal experiences and observations into the song, creating a narrative that resonates with listeners. The themes of patience, understanding, and emotional turbulence are central to the track.

Songwriting Process

Collaborating with producers Andre Vibez and London, Rema crafted “Calm Down” with a focus on creating a sound that was both fresh and familiar. The songwriting process involved blending traditional Afrobeat elements with contemporary pop sounds, resulting in a track that is both innovative and accessible.

Visual Storytelling in the Music Video

Director and Production Team

The “Calm Down” music video was directed by renowned Nigerian filmmaker Director K. The production team aimed to create a visual experience that complemented the song’s emotional depth and vibrant energy.

Visual Themes and Aesthetics

The video is a visual feast, featuring a blend of urban and traditional aesthetics. The use of vibrant colors, dynamic camera work, and engaging choreography all contribute to the video’s captivating appeal.

Scene-by-Scene Breakdown

Opening Scenes

The video opens with a striking cityscape, setting the tone for the narrative. Rema is introduced in a contemplative state, reflecting the introspective nature of the song.

Key Moments and Symbolism

Throughout the video, various scenes depict the ups and downs of a romantic relationship. Symbolic elements, such as the use of mirrors and water, represent self-reflection and emotional fluidity. The interplay of light and shadow further enhances the video’s thematic depth.

Styling and Fashion

Rema’s Outfits and Fashion Choices

Rema’s fashion in the video is a blend of contemporary streetwear and traditional African attire. His bold style choices not only highlight his personal brand but also contribute to the video’s visual storytelling.

Influence of Fashion on the Video’s Appeal

Fashion plays a crucial role in the video’s overall impact. The carefully curated outfits and accessories help convey the song’s themes and add an extra layer of visual interest for viewers.

Choreography and Dance Elements

Dance Styles Featured

The video features a mix of dance styles, including Afrobeat, hip-hop, and contemporary dance. The choreography is energetic and fluid, mirroring the song’s rhythm and mood.

Importance of Dance in the Video

Dance is a central element in the “Calm Down” video, serving as a physical expression of the song’s emotional landscape. The dancers’ movements add dynamism and help convey the narrative’s highs and lows.

Location and Setting

Filming Locations

The video was filmed in various locations around Lagos, Nigeria, showcasing the city’s vibrant culture and scenery. The choice of location adds authenticity and a sense of place to the video.

How Setting Enhances the Narrative

The urban backdrop of Lagos enhances the video’s narrative by grounding it in a real, relatable environment. The setting reflects the song’s themes of love and struggle, providing a tangible context for the story.

Cultural References and Influences

African Culture in the Video

The “Calm Down” video is rich in African cultural references, from the fashion and dance to the locations and props. These elements celebrate Rema’s heritage and add depth to the visual narrative.

Global Influences

While rooted in African culture, the video also incorporates global influences, reflecting Rema’s international appeal. The fusion of different cultural elements creates a unique and engaging visual experience.

Fan Reactions and Impact

Social Media Buzz

Upon its release, the “Calm Down” video generated significant buzz on social media. Fans praised the video’s aesthetic, choreography, and emotional resonance, leading to widespread sharing and discussion.

Impact on Rema’s Fanbase

The video’s success has further solidified Rema’s connection with his fans. It has expanded his reach, attracting new listeners and strengthening the loyalty of his existing fanbase.

Critical Acclaim and Reviews

What Critics Are Saying

Critics have lauded the “Calm Down” video for its artistic direction, compelling narrative, and high production value. The video’s ability to convey complex emotions through visuals and music has been a particular highlight.

Awards and Nominations

The video has received several nominations and awards, recognizing its excellence in music video production. These accolades have further cemented Rema’s status as a leading artist in the Afrobeat genre.

Commercial Success

Streaming Numbers

“Calm Down” has achieved impressive streaming numbers across various platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube. The video’s high view count is a testament to its popularity and appeal.

Sales and Downloads

In addition to streaming success, “Calm Down” has also performed well in terms of sales and downloads. The song’s commercial performance underscores Rema’s growing influence in the music industry.

Comparison with Previous Works

How “Calm Down” Differs from Rema’s Other Songs

“Calm Down” represents a maturation in Rema’s sound and artistic expression. Compared to his earlier works, the song showcases a deeper emotional depth and a more refined musical style.

Evolution of Rema’s Music Style

Rema’s music has evolved significantly since his debut, with “Calm Down” marking a notable progression. His ability to blend different genres and experiment with new sounds reflects his growth as an artist.


The “Calm Down” official music video is a remarkable achievement in Rema’s career. It combines compelling storytelling, stunning visuals, and captivating music to create an unforgettable experience.


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