
Best Skardu Family Packages for 2024


Welcome to Skardu: A Family Paradise! Nestled in the heart of Pakistan’s Gilgit-Baltistan region, Skardu is a destination that offers something for every member of the family. Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a culture enthusiast, or someone looking to relax amidst nature’s beauty, Skardu has it all. The key to a perfect family vacation here is choosing the right family package that suits your needs and preferences. In this article, we’ll explore the best Skardu family packages for 2024 to help you plan a memorable trip.

Why Visit Skardu in 2024?

Skardu is known for its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and a plethora of activities suitable for families. In 2024, several unique attractions and events make it an ideal time to visit. From local festivals to new adventure activities, Skardu promises an unforgettable family adventure.

How to Choose the Perfect Family Package

Choosing the right family package involves considering several factors. Firstly, understand what each family member enjoys. Are you looking for adventure, cultural experiences, or relaxation? Secondly, set a budget that includes accommodation, meals, activities, and transportation. Lastly, consider the inclusions and exclusions of each package to ensure it meets your needs.

Top Skardu Family Packages for 2024

Package 1: The Ultimate Adventure Package

Overview: This package is perfect for families who crave adventure. It includes guided treks, rafting, and camping under the stars.

Key Inclusions:

  • Guided treks to Kachura Lake and Deosai National Park
  • White-water rafting on the Indus River
  • Overnight camping with all equipment provided

Pricing: Starts at $1200 for a family of four for a 5-day trip.

Package 2: The Cultural Experience Package

Overview: Ideal for families interested in exploring the local culture and history of Skardu.

Key Inclusions:

  • Guided tours of Shigar Fort and Khaplu Palace
  • Visits to local markets and handicraft workshops
  • Traditional music and dance performances

Pricing: Starts at $1000 for a family of four for a 5-day trip.

Package 3: The Relaxation Retreat Package

Overview: For families looking to unwind and relax in the serene environment of Skardu.

Key Inclusions:

  • Accommodation at a luxury resort with spa facilities
  • Boat rides on Satpara Lake
  • Nature walks and bird watching tours

Pricing: Starts at $1500 for a family of four for a 5-day trip.

Inclusions and Exclusions in Family Packages

When choosing a family package, it’s essential to understand what is included and what isn’t. Typical inclusions are accommodation, meals, guided tours, and activities. Common exclusions may include airfare, personal expenses, and optional activities.

Activities for Families in Skardu

Skardu offers a wide range of activities suitable for families:

Outdoor Adventures

  • Hiking and trekking in the surrounding mountains
  • Boating and fishing in the crystal-clear lakes

Cultural and Historical Tours

  • Exploring ancient forts and palaces
  • Visiting local villages to experience traditional lifestyles

Leisure and Relaxation Activities

  • Enjoying picnics by the lakeside
  • Relaxing in the serene gardens of Shangrila Resort

Top Attractions in Skardu for Families

Shangrila Resort

Known as “Heaven on Earth,” Shangrila Resort offers picturesque views and luxurious facilities.

Deosai National Park

Home to diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes, perfect for a family adventure.

Satpara Lake

A serene spot for boating and picnics, offering breathtaking views.

Shigar Fort

A historical landmark that offers a glimpse into the region’s rich heritage.

Best Accommodations for Families in Skardu

Luxury Hotels

  • Shangrila Resort: Offers luxury cottages and family suites.
  • Serena Shigar Fort: Combines historical charm with modern amenities.

Mid-Range Hotels

  • PTDC Motel Skardu: Affordable and comfortable with family rooms.
  • K2 Motel: Known for its hospitality and scenic views.

Budget-Friendly Options

  • Local guesthouses: Provide a more authentic experience at a lower cost.
  • Campsites: For families who enjoy outdoor adventures.


Skardu is a hidden gem that offers a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation for families. The top family packages for 2024 cater to various interests and ensure a memorable trip for everyone. Whether you’re exploring the majestic mountains, delving into the rich history, or simply relaxing by a serene lake, Skardu promises an experience you’ll cherish forever.


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