
Analysts hope launch of Pakistan’ lunar mission will open new avenues for space exploration


Analysts hope launch of Pakistan’ lunar mission will open new avenues for space exploration.The launch of Pakistan’s lunar mission indeed holds promising potential for opening up new avenues in space exploration. Not only does it signify Pakistan’s entry into the realm of lunar exploration.

Such missions offer opportunities for scientific discovery, technological advancement, and international collaboration. They can inspire a new generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators while fostering global partnerships in space exploration efforts.

Moreover, exploring the Moon provides valuable insights into planetary science, resource utilization, and potential future human exploration. It also serves as a platform for testing new technologies and methodologies that could be applied to future missions, both lunar and beyond.

Overall, the launch of Pakistan’s lunar mission represents a significant step forward in expanding humanity’s presence and activities in space.

Dr. A.Z. Hilali (IR Expert)

It is a very positive development that Pakistan today launched its first lunar orbit mission ICUBE-Q. Pakistan is already sending space shuttles for the sake of knowledge about weather forecasts and prediction of other disasters. Pakistan is a victim of global warming challange and is in dire need of modern air space technology. China-Pakistan space cooperation will help Pakistan in terms of satellite monitoring of natural disasters and agricultural production, land and resources surveying.

Lt Gen (Retd) Raza Muhammad Khan (Defense Analyst)

The Pakistani scientists in joint collaboration with Chinese scientists managed to launch the first ever successful lunar orbit mission. The launch of the ICUBE-Q was broadcasted by the Chinese media and the entire world was witnessing the launching ceremony.

Lt Gen (Retd) Raza Muhammad Khan

Lt. Gen. (Retd) Raza Muhammad Khan, a defense analyst, expressed optimism about the launch of Pakistan’s lunar mission, foreseeing it as a gateway to new opportunities in space exploration. This sentiment reflects the belief that such endeavors hold the potential to advance scientific knowledge, technological capabilities, and international cooperation in space exploration.


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